GPS Coordinates Instructions

In order to locate your GPS Coordinates, you will at the very least require a physical street address closest to your premises. As a practical example we will use the PsySSA head office’s in Johannesburg. See instructions below:

Step 1 – Load Google Maps page and insert physical address:

  1. Click here to load Google Maps

Step 2 – Enter Address:

  1. Once Google Maps is loaded, insert address in the following format (street address, area and code separated by a comma):
    Street number (If Available), Area (Johannesburg), Area Code
  2. If we look at the PsySSA office’s address below, we are only able to use the physical street address (In red) as Google Maps doe not pick up on building names etc.
    Killarney Mall Office No. 110, First Floor, Killarney Office Towers, 60 Riviera Road, Killarney, 2193
  3. Insert the address in the area indicated by the red arrow in image sample below and click on the search icon:

Fig 1

Step 3 – Generate GPS Coordinates:

  1. Once address has been processed, right click on the area that best represents the location of your premises on the map, select the “What’s Here?” option (fig2 below indicated by red arrow). This will generate the GPS Coordinates in a block at the bottom of the screen (fig3 below indicated by red arrow. Click on the GPS Coordinates to load them in the address bar top left (fig4 below) where you can copy and paste it from to enter on the registration form field.



Fig 2



Fig 3



Fig 4

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