National Child Protection Week is commemorated in the country annually to raise awareness of the rights of children as articulated in the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa and Children’s Act (Act No. 38 of 2005).

The aim of Child Protection Week (CPW) in South Africa is to raise awareness on the need to protect children against abuse, exploitation, neglect and all forms of violence.

South Africans can support Child Protection Week by ensuring that the most vulnerable in our society do not suffer abuse. We do this by not only educating our children about their rights, but also by educating the adults, parents, guardians and teachers who are responsible for protecting those rights.

  • Children need to know how to report abuse, how to stand up for and protect themselves, to refrain from bullying each other and engaging in illegal activities.
  • Families can be provided with parenting skills that prevents violence.
  • Religious and community leaders need to be positive role models and speak out against violence.
  • Health workers, social workers, teachers and other professionals need to be able to identify and refer children at risk to support services.
  • Police, social workers and the judiciary need to ensure that when children or families report violence, they get eh help they need. Effective, timely action must then be taken to keep them safe, and services be made available to support their recovery.


You can get help at:

  • Childline South Africa: 0800 055 555
  • Child Welfare South Africa: 0861 4 CHILD (24453) / 011 452-4110 / e-mail:


Raising awareness on Child Rights during Child Protection Week | UNICEF South Africa

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