The CaSP Division invites its members to apply for the Seed Grant competition – which seeks to fund ONE innovative, practical, and sustainable community engagement project (R5000).

Do you have an idea to promote mental health and psychosocial well-being during and beyond the pandemic?

You are invited to submit a community project proposal aimed at improving mental health within a particular community group. Your concept should epitomise the essence or values of Community Psychology In other words, we are not simply looking for an ‘outreach’ community project – but a project that really demonstrates Community Psychology in action.

You can apply on behalf of your students.

Hurry, Entries close the 10th of May, 2022!


Professor Ronelle Carolissen’s
Tips and Tricks for the 2022 Seed Grant

I would like to focus on three seemingly simple but core approaches to doing grant proposals in general, and the CaSP seed grant specifically:

  1. Read the requirements of the advertised grant carefully and ensure that your application meets ALL the requirements.
  2. Create a narrative about your project that is clear with clearly defined and attainable goals within the time frame. In short, say what you want to do, why you want to do it, when, where and with whom you will do the project.
  3. Do not exceed the budget that is advertised. For example if a budget of R5000 is advertised, do not submit a budget that asks for R20000. This is a seed grant for a small project.

Nick Wood, 2020 Winner

I was thrilled when I saw the CASP seed grant advertised in 2020. I had done some previous work with an informal settlement educational project in Cape Town – the South
African Educational Project (SAEP) – and knew they were hoping to expand their creative writing classes for youth, but lacked support and resources. What a perfect opportunity
to try and help!
I did several things which I think contributed to my successful application;

(a) I had a close read of the CASP grant criteria before rushing into applying, as I knew I could optimise my chances of success, if I paid close attention to *all* of the information contained within the Seed grant call, especially the terms and conditions.
(b) I made a note that the community project aim had to have a mental health and psychosocial impact AND needed to be sustainable beyond the initial seed funding.
(c) I discussed it with the organisation to make sure it was what THEY wanted.
(d) I then addressed *every* section as best I could, in the application form, including what I thought was ‘novel’ or different, about my proposed project.

The funding supported a Facing Covid through Creative Writing Project with the SAEP and resulted in a week of socially distanced group writing tasks and discussions. This
was often moving and difficult, as attendees revealed personal, familial and community struggles to survive, but much shared help and supportive resilience as well as laughter
was shared too. We finished each workshop with a discussion on African Speculative Fiction (SF) and attendees were tasked with writing a story of what a ‘better South Africa in 2040’ might look like. Winning stories were adjudicated by an independent SAEP ‘judge’ and awarded a cash prize, certificates – and the best story A South African Coffee Shop Scene was published in The Mail & Guardian ‘Thought Leader.’
Here is my article on Covid in Science Fiction Writing.

Kgomotso Ramanyatsa, 2019 Winner

The CaSP inaugural Seed Grant Competition caught my eye at a time when I sought to engage in work that would be beneficial for mental health and impact positively on the lives of young people. I had just joined PsySSA and the CaSP division as a student member and was eager to apply for the grant. Despite the daunting thought of coordinating an intervention, I let my heart lead the way and applied for the opportunity. The competition’s ethos of fostering mental health through community projects, inspired me to make a difference.

The grant requirements of a novel and sustainable initiative aimed at community mental health and psychosocial wellbeing stood out for me. The criteria aided in further reflection on my idea of a poetry and essays club. I envisioned the implementation of the club within a context where there was a need for the intervention. I aimed to empower students to take ownership of the initiative and determine the form it would take and how to improve in the future. Fortunately, Speak the Word was the winning application for the 2019 Seed Grant Competition.

The funding enabled the project to commence as the beneficiaries received resources such as pens, journals and book vouchers. The students showed great interest and commitment. After several sessions, they became comfortable, led the meetings and were able to share their thoughts, emotions and hopes. And looking back at the positive outcomes, the inception of Speak the Word was worthwhile

Submission deadline: 10 May 2022 @ 12h00pm


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