PsySSA Structures
PsySSA is governed by a Council and Executive Committee that are democratically elected. The Society is comprised of Divisions, Interest Groups, Branches, Standing Committees and Affiliates.
PsySSA Structures
The PsySSA council is the highest decision-making body of the Society in between Annual General Meetings of its Membership, traditionally held every year at congress.
The Presidency, which includes the President, President-Elect and Past President, meets on a monthly basis in preparation for the Executive Committee meetings and to consult with the Executive Director regarding the short- and long-term objectives of the Society.
Executive Committee
The Presidency, which includes the President, President-Elect and Past President, meets on a monthly basis in preparation for the Executive Committee meetings and to consult with the Executive Director regarding the short- and long-term objectives of the Society.
Standing Committees
PsySSA has 11 Standing Committees offering strategic planning, guidance, and a liaison role within the field of psychology. .
PsySSA has 15 Divisions which are focused around scopes and interests in the profession
Interest Groups
A PsySSA interest group is a specialised subgroup within the Psychological Society of South Africa consisting of members who share a common interest or expertise in a specific area of psychology.
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