Psychology in Public Service (PiPS)


The aims of the Division of Psychology in Public Service (PiPS) of PsySSA:

In addition to the objectives of PsySSA and the functions of divisions as expressed in Articles 2 and 12.4 respectively of the PsySSA Constitution, the mission of PiPS is to promote the work interests and conditions of psychology professionals in the public service sector. PiPS aims to address this mission in consultation and collaboration with PsySSA, other professional organizations, government departments and other public sector stakeholders.

INCENTIVES for Membership
What do members receive by becoming members?

Members have the opportunity to actively engage in realising the the mission of PiPS to promote the work interests and conditions of psychology professionals in the  public service sector.

R100 per year

Full Member

R 100 per year


R100 per year


R100 per year

Registered Counsellor & Psychometrist

R 75 per year

Psychology Intern

R50 per year

Student Member

Jacques Pretorius
Barry Viljoen
Anne Kramers-Olen
Secretary & Treasurer
Sharon Kleintjes
Additional Member
Vanessa Stratford
Additional Member

PiPS Constitution 

In addition to the objectives of PsySSA and the functions of divisions as expressed in Articles 2 and 12.4 respectively of the PsySSA Constitution, the mission of PiPS is to promote the work interests and conditions of psychology professionals in the public service sector.

PiPS Constitution

Men’s Health Month – June 2024

PsySSA recognizes and celebrates Men's Health Month 2024, observed during the month of June. This month stands as a call to action for men to prioritize their health and for communities to support them in living longer, healthier lives.

Sefako Makatho Health Sciences University – Academic Position

Sefako Makatho Health Sciences University - Academic Position
Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University (SMU) is on a renewal path with exciting and unique opportunities to shape the training of medical and other health professionals, and scientists in general. We are on a vigorous campaign to attract top talent to join our exciting journey, as reflected in the opportunities below.

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