The South African Association for Counselling Psychology (SAACP)
The South African Association for Counselling Psychology of PsySSA aims to:
- Enhance the relationships between psychologists in the field of Counselling Psychology.
- Promote the professional practice and status of the Counselling Psychologist.
- Render various types of relevant, accessible and affordable services that are efficient and effective to individuals, groups, organisations and communities, whereby human development and mental health, as well as the development of organisations and communities may be enhanced.
- Improve the relationships between registered psychologists on the one hand and members of other professions, organisations, and the general public on the other hand.
- Collect and disseminate information regarding Counselling Psychology to all interested parties.
- Promote excellence in research, as well as the teaching and development of Counselling Psychology.
- Promote relevance and excellence in the training of psychologists in Counselling Psychology in order to ensure high standards of service delivery.
What do members receive by becoming members?
- Participation in SAACP programs and events.
- Receive updates on recent developments in the field of Counselling Psychology.
- Members share information on their work and achievements this will also inspire newly graduated counselling psychologists.
- A sense of identity and community with colleagues with a common passion for advancing counselling psychology. This sense of community is visible in the division’s participation in the PsySSA annual congress, involvement in community projects and presenting awards to eligible members.
Defining Counselling Psychology
The HPCSA defines Counselling psychology as a specialist category within professional psychology that promotes the personal, social, educational and career functioning and well-being of individuals, couples, families, groups, organisations and communities. Counselling psychologists assist people with normal developmental issues, and also prevent and alleviate psychological and mental health disorders that range from mild to moderate severity. Psychological assessment, diagnosis, and formulation draw on a holistic appreciation of people’s lived experiences and their sociocultural contexts. Counselling psychologists deliver a range of high-intensity psychological interventions that take into account the therapeutic potential of positive relationships, and people’s strengths and resources.
Take our poll where we ask Counselling Psychologists to reflect on the HPCSA document.
Current workforce info about the state of Counselling Psychology in SA
- Recent data highlight a transformative shift in the CP profession in South Africa. Despite this, persistent systemic factors impede the effective utilisation and equitable distribution of CPs nationwide.
- Early career CP face unique workforce entry challenges, leading to frustration, anxiety, and professional disillusionment. Limited job opportunities beyond private practice prompt consideration of emigration for many. While private practice provides autonomy, financial unpredictability remains a significant drawback. Moreover, the evolving regulatory system is mostly perceived by CPs as confusing, contributing to negative professional experiences and professional subordination.
- Advocacy and ongoing analysis of CP workforce trends and professional experiences are crucial to support, retain, and optimise CPs as a valuable resource in the country, especially amid debates on the National Health Insurance (NHI) system.
Mentorship and Support
Register your interest in the Counselling Psychology Mentorship Programme
Share your career journey
Post a 30-second video clip where you share what you currently do as a Counselling Psychologist (are you working in corporate, state healthcare or education, a university or private practice or another interesting setting?), how did you get there? (for others who may be interested in the same career path), and what do you love about your current role?
Link: https://drive.google.
* Disclaimer: Please be aware that the information and video content provided here are accessible to others and may be viewed publicly.
Full Member
Registered Counsellor & Psychometrist
Psychology Intern
Student Member
SAACP Mental Health Panel Discussion
SAACP Response to HPCSA Training Framework
HPCSA Training Framework
SAACP Division Hosts SACDA- Career Training and Career Futures for the 21st century
The South African Counselling Psychology Division (SACCP) will be facilitating a webinar workshop to introduce the South African Career Development Association (SACDA) with the aim to exploring Career Training and Career Futures for the 21st century.
Board Exam Preparation Workshop – 23 January 2025
Board Exam Preparation Workshop - 23 January 2025
Join us on Zoom as we unpack the Board Exam!
20th May 2023
10:00 - 12:00
2025 Board Exam Preparation Workshops – Save The Dates!
PsySSA is excited to announce the 2025 Board Exam Preparation Workshops to help you excel in your professional journey! Save the dates - details to follow soon!
From Couch to Clarity: Exercise as Intervention for Mental Health Disorders
This World Mental Health Month, remember that exercise can be a powerful tool for improving both physical and mental well-being. Learn more about the benefits of movement in our article written by Mr Willem Pieters of the South African Association for Counselling Psychology Division.
Mental Health: A Journey, Not a Dichotomy
As World Mental Health Month continues, read the next article contribution from the South African Association for Counselling Psychology Division - written by Dr Daniel Page.
World Alzheimer’s Day – 21 September 2024
PsySSA commemorates World Alzheimer's Day - 21 September 2024
Board Exam Preparation Workshop – 26 September 2024
Board Exam Preparation Workshop 2023
Join us on Zoom as we unpack the Board Exam!
20th May 2023
10:00 - 12:00
SANCA Drug Awareness Week 2024: 24 June – 30 June
PsySSA commemorates SANCA Drug Awareness Week: 24 June - 30 June, with insightful articles from the SAACP Division.
Board Exam Preparation Workshop 2024
Board Exam Preparation Workshop 2023
Join us on Zoom as we unpack the Board Exam!
20th May 2023
10:00 - 12:00
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- The South African Association for Counselling Psychology (SAACP)