Standing Committees

Equity and Transformation
Standing Committees
Contact details:
Position Member
Chair Prof Ronel Carrolissen
Additional Member Prof Sharon Kleintjies, Prof Kopano Ratele
and Ms Lynne Richards
Mandate: Equity and Transformation Committee
This Constitution has contained the principles of “Transforming and redressing the silences in South African psychology to serve the needs and interests of all South Africa’s people; Developing an organizational structure for psychology that reconciles historically opposed groups, gives a voice to hitherto excluded users of psychological knowledge and skills, and ensures transparent accountable governance of the Society to serve the democratically expressed wishes of its membership;” and “Actively striving for social justice, opposing policies that deny individuals or groups access to the material and psychological conditions necessary for optimal human development, and protesting against any violations of basic human rights;” since PsySSA’s founding, this Committee’s primary objective is to address any possible forms of discrimination on grounds such as race, ethnicity, sex, sexual orientation, religion, disability, and language within the Society or outside the Society as it affects prospective or present members of the professional community of psychologists.
This Committee shall review and report on the transformation initiatives within South African psychology generally and the Society specifically.
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