Standing Committees
Contact details:
Position Member
Chair Prof Garth Stevens
Additional Member Prof Norman Duncan, Prof Sumaya Laher, Prof Kopano Ratele and Dr Ann Watts
Mandate: Nominations Standing Committee
This Committee shall comprise not less than three and not more than five Past Presidents of the Society who are not nominees for Executive office.
At least two months prior to the Society’s AGM where an election is to be held, the Committee shall call upon the Society’s membership to nominate full members in good standing for such Executive positions that may become vacant.
The Committee shall review such nominations on the requisite form (APPENDIX 1)
together with any supporting documentation that may be deemed appropriate. Should there be insufficient eligible candidates or any position to be filled, the Committee shall call for further nominations and shall encourage eligible candidates to avail themselves for nomination.
The Committee’s Report shall be included in the reports to be tabled at the AGM (Section 6.4 of the PsySSA Constitution) which shall elect the candidates to office in terms of Section 6.12.4 of the Constitution.