Tariffs and Private Practice Issues

Tariffs and Private Practice Issues Standing Committee

Contact details:

Co-ChairsDr Momi Metsing, Mr Daniel Den Hollander and Dr Nishola Rawatlal
Additional MemberTo be confirmed

Mandate: Tariffs and Private Practice Issues Standing Committee

This Committee shall consist of Full Members in private practice.

This Committee shall be responsible for monitoring the various tariffs payable to psychologists and other practitioners and shall,  after approval of the Executive, lobby relevant public and private agencies, including medical schemes, in this regard.The Committee shall monitor the needs of psychologists, registered counsellors, psychometrists and other practitioners in private practice and shall address those needs.

This Committee shall work closely with other structures, especially Branches, to ensure that members’ needs are addressed through adequate tariffs for practitioners. The Committee shall promote the credibility of psychologists, registered counsellors and psychometrists in private practice and shall represent them on matters affecting practice.


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