Vision, Mission, and Core Values
PsySSA advances South African psychology as a science and profession of global stature and promotes psychological praxis as relevant, proactive and responsive to societal needs and well-being.

PsySSA Vision, Mission and Core Values
PsySSA aspires to advance South African Psychology as a science and profession of global stature and to promote psychological praxis as relevant, proactive and responsive to social needs and well-being. This includes transforming and redressing South African Psychology to serve the needs and interests of all South Africa’s people.
The mission of PsySSA is to actively represent and promote the collective interests of members and to develop Psychology nationally and internationally as a means of enhancing well-being.
Core Values
PsySSA commits to its vision through a mission that is grounded in the following core values:
- Excellence: To maintain and encourage the highest standards of professional and scientific competence to ensure national and international best practice.
- Integrity and ethics: To act with integrity, communicate respectfully, accept responsibility for our words and actions, and requiring ethical, professional behaviour by all persons associated with PsySSA.
- People-centredness: To care about the interests and needs of our members, strive to empower and build the capacity of our members to realise their full potential, and support lifelong learning.
- Human rights and social justice orientation: To advance human rights and social justice, informed by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and aligned to the South African Constitution; and to reconcile historically opposed groups. To ensure that members, Council, the Executive and staff are treated with dignity, equity and fairness.
- Social relevance and responsiveness: To encourage a multiplicity of opinions and seek ways to incorporate the voices and experiences of all communities and avenues of Psychology in service of the public good.
- Democratic, transparent and accountable governance: To conduct activities in a democratic, accountable and transparent manner; and to strive for efficiency and effectiveness in the management of PsySSA.
- Non partisan and civil society based: To ensure that the Society remains an organ of civil society without any overt or covert loyalty to any political party.