Fighting Gender-Based Violence, 100 Days at a Time

Fighting Gender-Based Violence, 100 Days at a Time

The End Gender-Based Violence and Femicide (GBVF) Movement is tasked with implementing the National Strategic Plan on GBVF, aimed at addressing the GBVF epidemic in South Africa.

What is Gender-based violence? Gender-based violence refers to violence that occurs due to role expectations related to the gender associated with the sex assigned to a person at birth, and the unequal power relations between the genders in the context of a specific society. This type of violence can include physical, economic, sexual, psychological, and economic abuse as well as rape, sexual harassment, and trafficking of women for sex, and sexual exploitation.

What is the National Strategic Plan on GBVF? The plan is divided into six focus areas (i.e., pillars for accountability, coordination, and leadership; prevention and re-building social cohesion; justice, safety, and protection; research and information management; economic power; and response, care, support, and healing), with problem analysis, strategic principles, and key deliverables guiding the work of each pillar.

Since 2021, this multi-sectoral collective has been applying a 100-Day Challenge approach to effect change in a selection of the thirty GBVF hotspots in South Africa. The approach is time-bound and makes use of intense collaboration, frequent innovation, and rapid implementation. Based on learnings from crises that were successfully resolved, 100-Day Challenges are fast, and set goals that are almost impossible to achieve. The right team is assembled and committed to the goal, and the work plan evolves as the days go by, with experimentation built into the process. The End GBVF Movement 100-Day Challenges have had significant successes.

For example, in 2023 the Mossel Bay End GBVF 100-Day Challenge team established four hotlines and helpdesks in police stations to provide reliable, safe spaces for victims of GBV. Another example was the Domestic Violence teams who improved the finalisation rate of Domestic Violence cases in participating Limpopo courts from 42% to 78%.

This year, the focus is on providing victim-friendly courts. Municipalities, courts, and TVET Colleges are working together in Limpopo and Mpumalanga, with Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (COGTA), the South African Local Government Agency (SALGA), Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET), and the Justice sector as convenors of the 100-Day Challenges. This first cycle of End GBVF 100-Day Challenges finishes in August 2024.

To Find Out More

Read about the End GBVF Movement activities and opportunities to join the fight against GBVF in the next TVD newsletter

Fighting Gender-Based Violence, 100 Days at a Time

Addressing Trauma Associated with Natural Disasters among Mental Health Practitioners

by Bianca Barnard

Over the last month, South Africans have grappled with the aftermath of natural disasters, from flooding in the Eastern Cape, a series of tornadoes in KwaZulu-Natal and a 2.5 magnitude earthquake in Johannesburg and the West Rand. These acts of God create a real and perceived sense of insecurity and instability in South African society, communities, and patients. Still, the impact on mental health practitioners is often forgotten.

Practitioners form part of the communities devastated by natural disasters. Unfortunately, registration as a mental health practitioner does not provide immunity to the psychological impact of the loss of safety and security and a gained sense of fear and anguish. As with a patient, there is a need to rebuild a sense of stability and safety by addressing basic needs and initiating the trauma recovery process. However, more intervention is often needed. Given the responsibility to care for others, mental health practitioners must attend to their own psychological health.

These periods of disaster create an increased demand for mental health services, longer working hours, and increased patient loads. This leaves practitioners susceptible to burnout and compassion fatigue. Psychologists also experience the secondary trauma of working with patients who have been victims of loss.

While the onus remains on mental health practitioners to prioritise their own mental health, it can be challenging. Some helpful tips on navigating these are as follows:

  • Acknowledge your humanness and put in place professional boundaries. Where possible, take leave to give yourself sufficient time and space to address the material reality and process what has happened. Do not over-commit yourself or continually place the needs of others before your need for self-care.
  • Try to limit working in a silo. Where possible and appropriate, utilise an MDT and share the load of patient management with colleagues. Connecting with peers, colleagues, and supervisors will also help mental health practitioners avoid feeling isolated, a feeling commonly experienced due to the private nature of our work.
  • Use the source of support available to you – be that a supervisor, peer group, psychologist or faith group – to ground yourself and recreate a sense of stability.


Congratulations! PsySSA Members Appointment to IUPsyS Work Groups

Congratulations! PsySSA Members Appointment to IUPsyS Work Groups

Congratulations! PsySSA Members Appointment to IUPsyS Work Groups


Congratulations to our esteemed members on their appointments to the IUPsyS Work Groups. PsySSA is proud to celebrate your accomplishments and contributions to the field of psychology. Here’s to a fantastic start to our 30th anniversary year!


Prof Garth Stevens

IUPsyS Work Group on Global Psychology Lecture Series and Events

Dr Nick Malherbe

IUPsyS Work Group on International Congresses of Psychology and IUPsyS Work Group on Equality in Science

Prof Ronelle Carolissen

IUPsyS Work Group on Response to Crisis

Prof Tholene Sodi

IUPsyS Work Group on Licensure and Regulations

Dr Fatima Seedat

IUPsyS Work Group on International Congresses of Psychology and IUPsyS Work Group on Equality in Science

CEP Divisional Webinar 4

CEP Divisional Webinar 4

CEP Divisional Webinar 4

Shaping our collective futures: Radical political imagination towards climate justice. 

About this Webinar

Date: 27 June 2024

Time: 12h00-13h00

Platform: Teams

The climate crisis requires us to imagine alternative ways of living and relating grounded in climate justice principles. But what type of imagination do we need to respond to the multiple challenges associated with climate change? How does imagination shape political agency and collective action? What are the existing barriers to our imagination, and how can they be overcome? In this talk, I will address these questions by focusing on the concept of radical political imagination – which highlights the importance of recognising the role of social structures and broader systems of oppression in reproducing existing social injustices. I will make the case that radical political imagination, as a collective and political process, can be a tool for shaping our collective futures towards more just and sustainable ways. Drawing on empirical research with youth and their political imaginaries, I will also explore barriers to political imagination and how imagination might shape collective action towards collective futures. Findings suggest multiple barriers to agency and political imagination and the need to rethink how we look at power and participation in the era of the climate crisis. I will conclude by arguing that it is critical to highlight existing radical imaginings among climate justice movements.

See the link below to join!


Meet Our Presenter

Maria Fernandes-Jesus (PhD, University of Porto) is a Lecturer in Psychology at the University of Sussex, United Kingdom. She is also an associate researcher at the Center for Social Research and Intervention at Iscte-Institute University of Lisbon and an honorary research fellow at the University of Johannesburg. She currently teaches mainly qualitative research methods. Her scholarly work focuses on collective action, climate justice, youth participation, community-led initiatives, and political imagination. She is interested in researching these topics using mixed methods and following applied, participatory, and transdisciplinary approaches. She is currently the leader of the working group ‘Social Networks and Social Inclusion’, which is part of the European Rural Youth Observatory.  She is an associate editor of the Journal of Social and Political Psychology (JSPP) and the Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology (JCASP). Maria has published more than 50 scientific outputs (for a full list of publications, see here or here) and was guest editor in several special issues, including: ‘Communities reclaiming power and social justice in the face of climate change’ published at the Community Psychology in Global Perspective’ (CPGP).

DBT in Practice: Core DBT Series

DBT in Practice: Core DBT Series

Level 1: DBT in Practice: Core DBT Series

The South African DBT Institute, in proud collaboration with PsySSA, is excited to invite you to Level 1 of the Core DBT Series: DBT in Practice. Level 1 provides an in-depth introduction to DBT case formulation, skills groups, individual therapy and managing risk in practice.

Members of PsySSA and CMSA are eligible for exclusive discounted rates.

Date: 17 July 2024

Time: 08:00 to 15:00 via Zoom

Cost: R1500

PsySSA/CMSA Members Cost: R1275

Presenter: Werner Teichert

To register, click the button below: