Board Exam Preparation Workshop 2024

About this workshop
Join us on Zoom as we unpack the Board Exam!
The journey to becoming an HPCSA-registered counsellor or counselling psychologist entails navigating through rigorous academic training and practical experiences. However, one pivotal milestone stands between aspiring professionals and their goals: the HPCSA board exam. This exam serves as a comprehensive evaluation of theoretical knowledge, clinical skills, and ethical understanding essential for competent practice in the field. For those on the brink of undertaking this examination, the stakes are high, and the need for thorough preparation is paramount.
This underscores the necessity of a specialized board exam workshop tailored to the unique needs of prospective exam takers. Recognizing the complexities and challenges inherent in preparing for such a pivotal assessment, this workshop aims to provide invaluable clarity and guidance to participants.
The workshop will encompass multifaceted approaches to bolstering exam readiness. Through interactive sessions, participants will delve into the intricacies of the exam format, content domains, and requisite competencies.
In essence, this workshop serves as a pivotal resource in equipping student registered counsellors and exam candidates with the tools, knowledge, and support necessary to navigate the challenges of the board exam successfully. By fostering clarity, confidence, and competence, the workshop endeavours to empower individuals to embark on their professional journeys with assurance and readiness to make meaningful contributions to the field of registered counselling or counselling psychology.

Pakeezah Rajab is the Senior Researcher at JVR Psychometrics and a PsySSA 2024-25 Additional Executive Member. Her PhD topic was “Non-intellectual factors that influence mathematics performance in South Africa.” She has experience applying psychometric results to a variety of contexts, including schools, private practice, higher education, and corporate environments. Pakeezah has worked on numerous projects that developed, validated and/or standardised assessments for use by the South African population – including aptitude, personality, values, career guidance and emotional intelligence. Her research interests include cognitive functioning, student performance and assessment development.

Genevieve Burrow is a registered counsellor and chairperson of the PsySSA Division of Registered Counsellors and Psychometrists. Genevieve is the manager of The Youth Hub, based at Groote Schuur Hospital Adolescent Centre of Excellence, where she counsels, and manages students and the counselling centre. She has hosted several board exam workshops previously, and enjoys working with students to enlighten them about the upcoming HPCSA board exam. Genevieve Burrow is committed to driving excellence and innovation in the practice of counselling, and promoting the visibility and importance of this field. Genevieve is passionate about youth upliftment and collaborates with a medically-informed multidisciplinary team to provide comprehensive and holistic care to adolescents facing diverse challenges in under-provided areas.

Zakiyah Hoosen is a dynamic individual with a deep love for Psychology. She completed her undergraduate degree at the University of Pretoria majoring in Psychology and Languages; later obtaining her Honor’s degree from SACAP and went on to become a qualified registered counsellor. She is active in the field and works across multiple organizations, working within a trauma-informed focus to facilitate counselling and psychoeducation to children, adolescents, and adults. Zakiyah is currently advancing her knowledge and training on her journey of master’s in Clinical Psychology, and she aspires to foster psychosocial wellbeing across all spheres of life through meaningful and efficient psychological services for all.

Deneo Sekese started her career in Human Resources specifically training and development and organisational development. Her passion for people and therapy led to a midlife career change into psychology. Deneo completed her masters in Counselling Psychology at Rhodes University and internship at the student counselling centre at the Durban University of Technology. She has had the privilege of presenting her masters research at the 27th Annual South African Psychology Congress. Deneo’s areas of interest are African Psychology, Wellbeing and Salutogenesis and Community psychology. She recently registered with the Board of Psychology HPCSA and is in the process of setting up a private practice.