Annual South African Psychology Congress: We want to hear from you!

Annual South African Psychology Congress: We want to hear from you!

Dear PsySSA Member

We hope you are well.

Based on the changing nature of the COVID-19 pandemic, the PsySSA Executive is assessing the receptivity of members to a return to the Annual South African Psychology Congress.
We would like to invite you to participate in a short survey that will inform the Society and its leadership in its decision-making.

Kindly complete the survey by the 4th of February 2022.


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Notice is hereby given that the 26th Annual General Meeting of the Psychological Society of South Africa will be held virtually on Zoom, on Wednesday 17 November 2021 at 18:00 for transacting the following business:

  1. To confirm the Minutes of the previous AGM held on the 4th of September 2019 (posted on the PsySSA website).
  2. Presidential Address
  3. To receive the Annual Financial Statements for the years ended 31 December 2019 and 31 December 2020.
  4. To confirm relevant decisions of Council.
  5. To elect Executive Members.
  6. To transact such further business as may be transacted at an AGM.
Race, Science and the Future of Psychology

Race, Science and the Future of Psychology

In this Roundtable Discussion, hosted at the 2019 Congress of the Psychological Society of South Africa (PsySSA) and moderated by Professor Peace Kiguwa, panellists engage on the issues of knowledge production, race and the future of psychology.

The first speaker, Professor Floretta Boonzaier, is from the Psychology Department at the University of Cape Town, Co-Director of the Hub for Decolonial Feminist Psychologies in Africa, and Co-Chair of the Global Africa Group of the Worldwide Universities Network.

The second speaker, Ms Lynn Hendricks, is a recipient of the Global Minds Scholarship and a PhD candidate at KU Leuven University. Ms Hendricks is also the Chair of the PsySSA Division for Research and Methodology.

The third speaker, Lou-Marie Kruger, is a Professor in the Department of Psychology, University of Stellenbosch.

Kopano Ratele, PsySSA’s President in 2009-2010 is the final speaker. Kopano Ratele is a Professor in the Institute for Social and Health Sciences (ISHS) at the University of South Africa (Unisa) and Director of the South African Medical Research Council-Unisa Masculinity and Health Research Unit (MaHRU).

Video credits: Prof Kopano Ratele & African Psychologies.
Race, Science and the Future of Psychology

Looking back, looking forward with 5 Past Presidents of the Psychological Society of South Africa

In this conversation (held during the 25th Annual South African Psychology Congress) Past Presidents of the Psychological Society of South Africa (PsySSA), Prof Anthony Pillay, Prof Kopano Ratele, Dr Ann Watts, Prof Saths Cooper and Prof Sumaya Laher, share thoughts and perspectives on key PsySSA developments and challenges for the last 25 years and priority imperatives For PysSSA for the next 25 years. The conversation was moderated by 2019-2021 PsySSA President Prof Garth Stevens and 2021 President-Elect Prof Shahnaaz Suffla.
Video credits: Prof Kopano Ratele & African Psychologies. 
Register for the 26th Annual South African Psychology Congress

Register for the 26th Annual South African Psychology Congress

The 26th Annual South African Psychology Congress, to be held in Johannesburg at Emperors Palace from the 15th to the 18th of September 2020, has as its theme, Enacting Liberatory Praxis: Looking to a New Decade of Africa-centred Psychology. The Congress Scientific Committee invites submissions from practitioners, scholars, researchers, educators, students, community organisers, activists and policymakers that showcase and contribute to trajectories and movements in psychology thought, practice and activism. The Committee encourages both conventional and non-traditional submissions that feature and engage cutting-edge, innovative and cross-cutting praxical applications across the different areas of psychology.

Pre-Book your Registration and Save!

Register here