UKZN Student Counsellor Position

UKZN Student Counsellor Position

The UKZN College of Law and Management Studies seeks to appoint a Student Counsellor on a permanent basis. The incumbent will promote and facilitate the holistic development of students by optimizing student well-being and the learning environment through the provision of counselling and development services to students, thereby enhancing student retention and throughput. She/He/They will conduct life skills workshops as well as psychological assessments and provide personal, academic and career counselling to students in the College. The posts are based at the Pietermaritzburg, Westville and Howard College campuses with cross-site online support to all campuses.


Sefako Makatho Health Sciences University – Academic Position

Sefako Makatho Health Sciences University – Academic Position



Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University (SMU) is on a renewal path with exciting and unique opportunities to shape the training of medical and other health professionals, and scientists in general. We are on a vigorous  campaign to attract top talent to join our exciting journey, as reflected in the opportunities below.

Positions available:

  • Clinical Psychology: Associate Professor / Senior Lecturer
  • Counselling Psychology: Lecturer
  • Industrial Psychology: Lecturer

Applications Close: 17 March 2024


SAACP Divisional Workshop: Counselling Psychology in SA: Workforce Recommendations

SAACP Divisional Workshop: Counselling Psychology in SA: Workforce Recommendations

Bridging gaps: Examining workforce trends and offering actionable recommendations to support counselling psychologists in South Africa

Counselling psychology in South Africa has recently emerged from a tumultuous period, stemming from regulatory efforts in 2011, which negatively impacted on the profession’s status and viability. While the definition and scope of counselling psychology arguably demonstrate improvements in aligning with global practices, concerns persist surrounding the work opportunities and professional experiences of counselling psychologists, particularly those in the early stages of their careers.

In this workshop, we aim to contribute to discussions surrounding the pivotal role of counselling psychologists in South Africa. We will present the latest national data pertaining to the counselling psychologist workforce, elucidating some of the major challenges, support needs, and opportunities that these professionals encounter. Based on the most recent data, our objective is to offer actionable recommendations at multiple levels, contributing to the advancement and enhancement of the field. This is particularly important considering the forthcoming contentious implementation of the National Health Insurance (NHI) system.

Date: 6 March 2024 at 18:00-20:00

PsySSA Practice Guidelines for Working with Sexually and Gender Diverse People Revision

PsySSA Practice Guidelines for Working with Sexually and Gender Diverse People Revision

Just over five years ago, the PsySSA Practice Guidelines for Working with Sexually and Gender Diverse People were published. This landmark document has had a significant impact on the LGBTQIA+ field, influencing psychology, trans healthcare, public health, and global health sectors. The PsySSA African LGBTI+ Human Rights Project, spearheaded by the Sexuality and Gender Division (SGD), is in the process of revising these guidelines to reflect the latest developments in the field. A crucial component of this revision is the contribution from psychology professionals. Your insights and experiences are invaluable to ensuring that the revised guidelines reflect the latest advancements and best practices in the field.

We are particularly interested in receiving feedback on:

  • Practical examples from your professional experience
  • Ethical dilemmas and how they were navigated
  • Clinical issues encountered and resolutions
  • Frequently asked questions
  • Narratives and stories that highlight the diverse experiences of working within this area

Your expertise and input will significantly contribute to the comprehensive and meaningful update of these guidelines, ultimately benefiting professionals and the communities we serve.

To share your insights, please complete our brief survey, which includes five targeted questions designed to gather your valuable feedback.

To participate, please visit:

Responses are requested by 20 February 2024.

To AI or not to AI, that is the question

To AI or not to AI, that is the question

In the vast and uncharted territories of the human mind, the emergence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) as a tool in psychology presents a modern-day quandary akin to the existential questions posed by Shakespeare in his timeless play, Hamlet. “To be or not to be, that is the question,” pondered Hamlet, weighing the virtues and vices of existence. Similarly, the psychological community stands at a crossroads: to embrace AI, with all its potential and pitfalls, or to remain steadfast in traditional methodologies, ostensibly unaffected by the relentless march of technology.

The Virtue of Adaptation

In the spirit of adaptation, it’s essential to recognize that “the readiness is all.” As psychologists, our readiness to integrate AI into our practice can revolutionize how we approach diagnosis, treatment, and research. AI’s capacity for data analysis transcends human limitations, offering insights into complex behavioral patterns and enhancing our understanding of mental health disorders. The potential for AI-driven tools to tailor therapeutic interventions presents a future where treatment is not just personalized but predictive, aligning with the prophetic insights of the Bard: “There is a divinity that shapes our ends, rough-hew them how we will.”

The Question of Ethical Imperatives

Yet, this brave new world is not without its “slings and arrows of outrageous fortune.” The ethical implications of AI in psychology demand rigorous scrutiny. As we navigate this terrain, we must ask ourselves whether the use of AI respects the dignity and autonomy of those we seek to help. The integrity of the therapeutic relationship, the confidentiality of patient data, and the potential biases inherent in AI algorithms are but a few of the ethical quandaries we face. In this context, Shakespeare’s counsel to “give thy thoughts no tongue” is a caution against unbridled enthusiasm for AI without due consideration of its implications.

The Unchanging Essence of Psychology

Amidst the fervor surrounding AI, it’s crucial to remember that the essence of psychology remains rooted in the human experience—something no algorithm can fully replicate. The empathetic connection between psychologist and patient, the nuanced understanding of human emotion, and the therapeutic alliance are aspects of our profession that stand resilient against the tide of technology. In this light, one might argue that psychology, in its purest form, remains “a constant in a sea of change,” unaffected by technological advances.

The Synthesis of Old and New

However, to dichotomize the future of psychology as a choice between AI and traditional methods is to oversimplify the issue. Instead, let us “take arms against a sea of troubles” by forging a synthesis between technology and tradition. By integrating AI into our practice judiciously, we can enhance our capabilities without losing the human touch that defines our profession. This balanced approach allows us to extend the reach of psychological services to underserved populations, democratizing access to mental health care in ways previously unimaginable.

Conclusion: A Brave New World Awaits

As we stand on the precipice of this brave new world, the question “To AI or not to AI?” invites us not to choose between two paths but to pave a new one that harmonizes the strengths of AI with the irreplaceable value of human insight. In doing so, we heed the wisdom of Shakespeare, who understood that the essence of humanity lies not in eschewing change but in embracing it with courage, caution, and compassion. Let us then, with eyes wide open to both the perils and promises of AI, step forward into the future of psychology—a future where technology serves to amplify, not supplant, the healing power of the human connection.