Congress 2024 Frequently Asked Questions

Must my abstract be written in any specific format?

Abstracts must be in English and should not exceed 200 words, excluding the title of the abstract. Abstracts must be typed in Times New Roman, font size 9, with no Caps Lock. The title should be brief and relevant to the contents of the abstract and paper/poster. Abstract titles should not exceed 122 characters with spaces. Abstracts should be one continuous paragraph with no headings, subheadings, tables, keywords or references within the abstract text. Abstracts should adhere to UK English and the APA 6th edition style guide.

What constitutes a “unique submission”?

A unique submission would be a Symposium, Roundtable, Workshop etc. Kindly note: Paper and poster presentations are not unique.

What does ‘Conflict Declaration’ mean?

Conflict Declaration is where you declare your funding interests, or other matters pertaining to conflict of interest.

What is the different between a poster presentation and an oral presentation?

In an oral session, speakers present their work one-by-one in a series of short lectures. Each speaker presents, takes questions for a few minutes, and is followed by the next one. These presentations are in a room with a seated audience, in a lecture-style format.

In a poster session, presenters prepare a poster and mount them on boards in a large room. For a fixed period of time during the conference, all participants are invited to wander round the posters, reading and asking questions as they deem fit. Poster presenters typically stand by the posters and answer questions as people come by.

What is a symposium?

A Symposium is a focused session in which speakers present on a common theme, issue or question of particular relevance. It usually consists of a chairperson briefly introducing the topic and providing an introduction to the session. This would usually be followed by at least 3 but no more than 5 individual presentations and ending with concluding remarks by a discussant. Every effort should be made to ensure close interaction between the speakers and to provide new and non-overlapping presentations. There should be opportunity for the audience to ask questions to presenters and for an exchange of views.

What is a roundtable?

A round table discussion is a focused session where presenters gather together in order to discuss a particular topic. The roundtable is focused on one particular topic and usually has a chairperson who facilitates the session. The session is allocated 60 minutes in the programme. Presenters are allocated equal timeslots to present their topic or input.

How do I submit a roundtable?

To create a roundtable, follow the steps outlined in the Abstract Submission Management System Guidelines for a Symposium. Under Symposium Type select roundtable.

How do I add a co-author to my paper?

The “Authors and Coauthors” tab, allows you to select who else was an author on the paper. If you have a second or third (or however many) authors, click on “Add New Co- Author”. A screen will come up requesting the person’s information. Please ensure that you provide their correct email address that they used to sign up onto the system, if they have already signed up on the system.

What do I do if there are multiple authors presenting a paper?

There is no limit to the number of authors able to present. On average 1-2 presenters present an oral presentation. Select the presenting icon for all authors that are presenting.

As a student, who will be the author of my paper?

As a student, you will be the primary author and your supervisor will be added as the co- author. Refer to question 6 to see how to add co-authors.

When I try to submit my abstract I receive an error message.

An error message may come up for a number of reasons:

  1. Your abstract may be too Abstracts may not be longer than 200 words. Edit your abstracts so it adheres to the word restriction.
  2. You may have incomplete Ensure you have filled in all sections and then select “Save”.
  3. You may not have saved your Save after each input and go back into the screen.

An individual paper for my symposium has already been added by someone else, how do I add it to my symposium?

Under “Papers” and “Add Papers” search for a paper submitted by its ID or Title, then select “Add”

How long is a roundtable presentation?

A roundtable is provided with a 60-minute time slot.

How long is an oral presentation?

Typically, an oral presentation is 20 minutes long. However, this is dependent upon the number of presentations allocated within a certain session.

Are authors of poster presentations required to present them, if so when?

Typically, an oral presentation is 20 minutes long. However, this is dependent upon the number of presentations allocated within a certain session.

When will I find out if my abstract has been accepted?

Abstract submissions close on the 15 June 2022, subsequently independent reviewers will review your paper. This process can take between two weeks and one month. Notification of the outcome of papers will be emailed to the email address that has been registered on the abstract management system.

What do I do when my abstract has been accepted?

Authors of accepted papers must ensure that they have registered for Congress. This information will be posted on the PsySSA website and communicated to the presenters in the coming weeks. Detailed information, guidelines, and recommendations for oral or poster presentation, as well as time allotment, date, time, and venue will be duly sent to registered presenting authors.

When is the deadline for abstract submission?

Abstract submissions close on the 5 June 2023. No late submissions will be accepted.

Who do I contact for abstract submission queries?

For any abstract related inquiries kindly contact abstracts2023@psyssa.com.

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