Dr Helen Dunbar-Krige

Tributes page

As colleagues, mentees, friends and family of Dr Dunbar-Krige we would like to invite you to contribute to our wall of remembrance that will be dedicated to her legacy. Here are a few messages we have received to date and we will add to this list as more are received.

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Warm heart ,empathetic person. My sincere condolences to the Psychology fraternity, Universities, students and PsySSA community. To her family, you have lost a sweet, kind and a loving person RIP ?

I will forever remember you and what you have taught me. Humbled to have had the privilege of knowing you and learning from you!

Helen – you taught me everything about integrity, about being true to yourself, about empathy, compassion and why we as Educational Psychologists need to be passionate about our profession. Thank you for everything you taught me. – Iona

Helen had a warm and generous presence and was always a lovely person to talk to and engage with. I only knew her in the context of our PsySSA space, but she left an immediate impression on me because of her commitment to improving South African psychology. I extend my heartfelt condolences to her loved ones. Rest in peace dear Helen.

I am one of the lucky people who are grateful and to have crossed path with Dr Helen. It was an honour to have latched on to her wisdom, learning from each encounter with her. Her fight for social justice was palpable. She has planted a seed that will blossom even when she has crossed over. I am heartily thankful for her contribution to the person that I am. My hearty thanks goes to the family for sharing Dr Helen with us, a people’s person. To the family: I am humbled that you gave me an opportunity to see her in the last few days, to quench my wisdom thirst….for the last time. Peace be with you, Shalom. Momi Metsing

She was a unique person, who reminded some of us of her struggles with the past. What being n predikant’s vrou distilled in her. She never hesitated to ask the awkward questions, seeking ways to overcome history’s limitations. A true carer, loyal to PsySSA and its unfulfilled mission ??

May she rest in eternal peace. Condolences and much love to her family, friends and colleagues. She was such a gentle human being.

Very, very sad. Helen was a very sweet, supportive and accommodating person. She undertook to be PsySSA president when things were really tough in the profession and stood her ground. May her soul rest in peace. Deepest condolences to the family.

Helen, your unwaivering commitment to being an advocate for Educational Psychologists in SA will never be forgotten. I remember many conversations where we sat and talked about the future of psychology and training programmes in SA. You always had a measured approach when working through challenging situations and looked for opportunities to consult with peers, colleagues, and those affected by the decisions made. “Ja, but remember, Educational Psychologists are working at the forefront of many of these scenarious impacting practitioners in SA”.

Unwaivering, committed, and just the biggest heart. 

Very sad indeed. Helen was such a very caring person. A good listener and very committed to advancing psychology in South Africa. We will miss her.

My deepest condolences to Helen’s family, friends, colleagues, students and community. I will remember Helen for her gentle smile, quiet courage, mischievous glint, and enormous grace. Here is to Helen’s legacy and the many beautiful ways in which she is remembered and honoured. I hope that Helen’s family will find comfort in the bouquet of tributes that have followed her passing.
We remember Dr Helen Dunbar-Krige with fondness, especially for her humility, devotion to her profession and dedication to the wellbeing of South Africans. Her concern for the education of children in our country came through in her work. We will miss you, Helen.
Helen’s embodiment of Arundhati Roy’s words will live on forever: “To love. To be loved. To never forget your own insignificance. To never get used to the unspeakable violence and the vulgar disparity of life around you. To seek joy in the saddest places. To pursue beauty to its lair. To never simplify what is complicated or complicate what is simple. To respect strength, never power. Above all, to watch. To try and understand. To never look away. And never, never to forget.”
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