Invitation To Private Psychiatrists and Psychologists
Please submit your completed form and attachment by email to the Director-General: Department of Health, Dr Dudu Shiba, Director: Mental Health and Substance Abuse at; and
Enquiries pertaining to submission of details may be directed to Dr Dudu Shiba at Email: or Mr Bashu Pule at Tel: 012 395 9533 and Email:
Invitation for submission of details of private psychiatrists and psychologists (clinical, counselling and educational) who are prepared to conduct Assessments of Criminal Capacity of Children in terms of Section 11(3) of the Child Justice Act
Invitation for submission of details of private Psychiatrists and Clinical Psychologists who are prepared to conduct Forensic Psychiatric Enquiries for the Courts in terms of Section 77, 78, 79 of the Criminal Procedure Act.