On the 27th of June 2018 in Montreal at the International Congress of Applied Psychology in Montreal, Canada, the International Psychology Network for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex Issues (IPsyNet) introduced the IPsyNet Statement and Commitment.  Based on scientifically grounded knowledge, it is an affirmation of LGBTI human rights and support for affirmative and inclusive treatment and service provision.

During a brief and moving program, the seven sections of the document were read aloud in different languages of IPsyNet member organizations.  At the event, the President of the Norwegian Psychological Association announced his organization’s decision to endorse.

The document so far is endorsed by 16 national psychology organizations representing all major global regions.  It advocates for greater awareness of the health and well-being needs of LGBTIQ+ people in care, research, the media and public policy.

Additional endorsements are welcome, so if you would like to work with your psychology organization to endorse the statement, please let us know!

The statement is online at www.ipsynet.org with a list of endorsing organizations.  It is available so far in English (with accompanying contextualizing information, references, and a bibliography), French, German, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish.  The statement will be updated with the logos and names of additional endorsing mental health organizations as they become available.  More translations are on the way.

The aim is that this will be a document which, over time, will be revised and updated to encompass progress in what the field of psychology can say about about the the human rights and health and well-being sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, and sex characteristics minorities.

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