CPD Accreditation

Are you looking to have your professional activities CPD accredited? PsySSA, the Psychological Society of South Africa, is here to help. As an accredited HPCSA CPD Accreditation Service Provider, we ensure that your accreditation process is smooth and efficient. Submit your complete application forms and required documentation, and our CPD Committee will review and approve them. Once approved, you will receive an invoice with a reference number for payment. After submitting the proof of payment, we will send you the accreditation number(s) promptly. Please note that strict HPCSA regulations require applications to be submitted at least 30 days in advance. For any queries regarding CPD Accreditation, feel free to contact Ms. Fatima Seedat or Ms. Nthabiseng Masipa. Trust PsySSA for all your CPD accreditation needs.

CPD Accreditation

Would you like to have your activities CPD Accredited? PsySSA is an accredited HPCSA CPD Accreditation Service Provider.

Kindly see all information pertaining to the CPD accreditation process below:

Accreditation documentation:

Only complete application forms with all the required supporting documentation will be submitted to the CPD Committee of PsySSA for approval.

Required documentation:

  1. The completed CPD 2A Form (the application form) – see document portal
  2. Programme of the CPD activity specifying the exact time slots for each presentation / topic
  3. The planned advert for the CPD activity
  4. Presenter(s) short CV / biography. If your application contains a published article and the article specifies the author’s affiliation clearly, a CV is not required
  5. A summary of the presentation (per topic listed in the programme) or a copy of the full presentation in .pdf format must be presented. Ethics presentations require very detailed summaries
  6. The sample attendance register to be used to monitor attendance or the monitoring mechanism to be used if online activity
  7. Questionnaire (for physical attendance activities) or MCQ’s (for online activities)

MCQ’s with memos – for specific online activities (e.g. journal articles) that do not exceed three learning hours, we accredit the number of assessment questions in the MCQ’s, per activity. One CEU point is earned for every five MCQ’s

  • All other activities online for longer than three hours are allocated points according to time – i.e., one CEU per hour, limited to a maximum of six General CEU’s per day (clinical content)
  • At least one assessment comprising of MCQ’s should be completed after six hours of activity and should be completed with a mark of 70% in order to claim CPD accreditation
  • 8. Checklist 1 and 2 – see document portal

Accreditation process:

  1. Once the CPD committee of PsySSA approves the application, an invoice will be rendered to you
  2. Please ensure that you use the reference number provided on the invoice when you process your payment and submit the proof of payment without delay to expedite the rendering of the accreditation numbers
  3. The accreditation number(s) will be sent to you after we have received your proof of payment

Accreditation fees:

  1. A service fee is charged per accreditation number issued
  2. The 2023 CPD accreditation fees may be found on the document portal
  3. Please note that an admin fee is charged at 10% in the event that applications are withdrawn or declined

Kindly note that we are governed by strict HPCSA regulations, so please ensure that your CPD accreditation application is submitted at least 30 days in advance.

We look forward to being of service to you.

Please do not hesitate to contact Ms Fatima Seedat at fatima@psyssa.com or Ms Nthabiseng Masipa at nthabiseng@psyssa.com should have any enquiries relating to CPD Accreditation


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