All health care practitioners are required to obtain 30 Continuing Education Units (CEUs) per annum, with 5 ethics units required as part of the 30 CEUs (The document “Continuing Professional Development Guidelines for the Health Professions” can be accessed on the HPCSA website www.hpcsa.co.za).
In line with these requirements, PsySSA offers members access to an online PsySSA CPD platform. Members can obtain CPD points through the SAJP and AJOPA questionnaires available on this platform. PsySSA CPD aims to assist Professionals manage points and ensure HPCSA compliance. At no additional cost, members are able to read through articles, answer associated questions, attain CPD Points and store Continuous Education Units (CEU) in the CPD vaults. The opportunity to obtain CPD points is also made available at PsySSA’s annual Congress.
*Kindly note this benefit expires annually on the last day of the year (31 December). Furthermore, CPD Points are valid for two years after the date of accreditation.
For any PsySSA CPD related enquiries kindly contact: cpd@psyssa.com