PsySSA Workshop Series: Workshop 10: Meditations on African Psychology and the Covid-19 pandemic
Meet our Presenters!
Presenter Bios
Nqobile Msomi
Nqobile Msomi is a counselling psychologist and lecturer at Rhodes University. She co-ordinates Rhodes University’s Psychology Clinic, a community-based training institution for counselling and clinical psychologists. Msomi espouses a situated psychology and concerns herself with ways to move towards practice, teaching and research informed by the values and principles of community and Africa(n)-centred psychologies. She is a PhD candidate and has partnered with a local education focused non-governmental organisation for her case study research.
Dr. Refiloe Makama
Dr. Refiloe Makama is a lecturer in the Department of Psychology at the University of Cape Town. Her recently completed PhD study on the constructions, negotiations and performances of gender through lobolo exemplifies her interest in peoples everyday constructions of gendered identity and the workings of power. Her work is located within an African-centered feminist psychology and employs narrative methodology. Her research interest includes gender studies, masculinities, love, and African feminism.
Ms. Thandiwe Ndaba
Thandi recently completed her master’s in research psychology, using an indigenous paradigm method called the life- focused interview for data collection and the medicine wheel for her analysis. Her study focused on collecting perspectives of selected African psychologists on the [dis]connect between their indigenous background, academic training, and the practice of psychology. She co-directs a research company with four ladies called Black Women in Research (BWR) where the focus is assisting clients to simplify research. Ms Thandi used to work as postgraduate research assistant at University of South Africa, where she formed part of African psychology network platform for academics to engage freely on African literature. Her research interest lies in African indigenous psychology, more specifically in indigenous research methods, African ways of being and the practise of African(n)-centred psychology.
Dr. Sipho Dlamini
Dr. Sipho Dlamini is a senior lecturer at the University of Johannesburg’s Department of Psychology. He is also a registered counselling psychologist. Dr. Dlamini serves on the board for the journal Psychology in Society as an associate editor, he also serves as the vice-chair for the South African Association of Counselling Psychologists (SAACP) and the executive of the Psychological Society of South Africa (PsySSA) as an additional member. His research interests include Africa(n)-centred psychologies, the history and philosophy of psychology, community psychology, the training of psychologists, and critical race theories.