Bridging gaps: Examining workforce trends and offering actionable recommendations to support counselling psychologists in South Africa

Counselling psychology in South Africa has recently emerged from a tumultuous period, stemming from regulatory efforts in 2011, which negatively impacted on the profession’s status and viability. While the definition and scope of counselling psychology arguably demonstrate improvements in aligning with global practices, concerns persist surrounding the work opportunities and professional experiences of counselling psychologists, particularly those in the early stages of their careers.

In this workshop, we aim to contribute to discussions surrounding the pivotal role of counselling psychologists in South Africa. We will present the latest national data pertaining to the counselling psychologist workforce, elucidating some of the major challenges, support needs, and opportunities that these professionals encounter. Based on the most recent data, our objective is to offer actionable recommendations at multiple levels, contributing to the advancement and enhancement of the field. This is particularly important considering the forthcoming contentious implementation of the National Health Insurance (NHI) system.

Date: 6 March 2024 at 18:00-20:00

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